Igne Vaitkunaite
ABA trained coach & Elite Amateur Boxer
Igne, also known as Iggy is our first female elite boxer, coach and official. For her, boxing was love at first sight - "The first time I have ever stepped into a boxing club was back in Ireland in a small village called Cavan. I fell in love with the sport straight away. I loved the place, the feeling you get when you are in there, I have never looked back". Iggy has represented our club all over the country and has competed in tournaments such as: Senior Development Novices, Haringey box Cup, East Midlands and Elite ABA championships. She has also boxed for home counties on two occasions and boxed in Scotland alongside Home Counties team. She has overcome a lot of difficulties in her personal life and always has said that boxing has helped her to stay focused, disciplined, gain the confidence that she never had and become a new better person in herself.
She is looking to inspire females as much as possible to give this sport a try and join her team at the boxing club and give the girls a chance to prove to themselves that they can do it and it's not just for the men. She has got her own style of coaching which she teaches everyone about having their shape, head movement and foot movement which are her favourite.
As this wasn't enough for our Iggy she made a decision to progress a little bit further and has now become an official for Home Counties Association. Iggy is very passionate about what she is doing at the club and keeps looking to further her development in boxing and wants to one day coach alongside GB team.